
本次十一人制 U15聯賽共有八支足球勁旅參與,預賽分A, B兩組採單循環比賽。各組分別取前兩名進入次日之淘汰決賽,分組之後兩名也進入次日之後四名淘汰賽。 每場球賽上下半場各二十分鐘, 總計共二十場比賽, 每隊均出賽五場, 其中預賽三場, 決賽兩場。 經過兩天的激戰, 最後由來自花蓮的化仁國中勇奪冠軍, 亞軍由來自桃園的仁和國中奪得, 季軍為台北市的黑鷹(Black Hawks)足球俱樂部, 第四名到第八名依序為天母國中, 奇旺(Kick Wonder)足球俱樂部, 台北歐洲學校(Taipei European School), 明星(Master Football Academy)足球俱樂部, 維京人(Viking)足球俱樂部。 比賽過程十分和諧順利, 秩序良好, 場地及休息區均維持相當的整潔。 畢幕典禮各隊均幾乎全員到齊, 互相歡呼打氣祝福, 也是在台灣的賽事中少見的。

本次聯賽之冠軍隊除冠軍杯外還有新台幣貳萬元的獎助金, 兩組充氣式訓練用足球門及十顆五號足球。亞軍隊則除亞軍杯外還有新台幣壹萬元的獎助金, 兩組充氣式訓練用足球門及五顆五號足球。季軍隊獲得季軍杯及五顆五號足球。另外頒發最佳球員獎(Most Valuable Player)給化仁國中的劉思杰,最佳守門員獎(Best Goalie) 給化仁國中的林韋翔及進球王獎(Scoring Title)給仁和國中的林偉傑。這次看到選手們奮戰的精神,衝撞跌倒馬上站起來再拼鬥的樣子,實在難得。 不敢相信台灣有這麼好的足球種子,竟然在國際足壇排名長期以來會是後段班的,不禁想到是否我們的足球養成制度,哪裡出了問題?


再次感謝這次協助幫忙的好朋友們,本次比賽非常感謝「大小創意」在這麼不可能的時間建立精彩的網頁。孔雀隊友林榮隆、翁嘉男的全程參與,蘇楨揚、張耀明場地準備,楊聰慧及執行長葉國雄的協助,加上明星足球隊的 Michael Chandler, Dan Calvar, Jessica 寶貴的意見及贊助。裁判長由呂邦德,藍藍芬率領六人,毫無瑕疵的執法,本次聯賽才得以順利完成。胥國棟先生的專業攝影讓這次活動留下長久美好的回憶。其他幫忙的人數實在多到無法在此詳細列名,望能諒解。當然最重要要感謝的是各球隊教練球員和家長們,你們的參與和合作是這次活動成功的關鍵。

目前我們已經開始積極籌劃第二屆聯賽 五月見!


Summary of The First C33 Football League Tournament

The first C33 Football League Tournament held on February 28th and March 1st at In-Fong River Park was a great success under the beautiful weather。 It was the first tournament since the inception of C33 Football League and it took only 23 days from the initial idea till the end of this first tournament。 I want to thank all good friends who unselfishly devoted their effort to make this event possible。

This was a 11-a-side U15 boy tournament with eight teams invited。 The preliminary games were divided into Group A and B with round-robin matches。 The top two teams in each group advanced to the final with eliminating matches。 The lower two teams in each group also participated into the final for places 5~8。 The match is 20 minutes per half with 10 minutes interval。 There were total of 20 matches and each team played equally 5 matches with 3 in the preliminary and two in the final。 After two days of exciting matches, the Hwa-Jen Middle High from Hualien defeated Jen-Ho Middle High of Taoyuan by the score of 4:1 to win the Champion。 The Third Place goes to Black Hawks Soccer Club from Taipei。 The rest of the order are Tien-Mu Middle High, Kick Wonder Soccer Club, TES-Taipei European School, MFA-Master Football Academy, Viking Soccer Club。 All matches went smoothly without any incidence and the field including the rest areas were kept tidily at all time。 All eight teams attended the Award Ceremony and cheered for the others was also unprecedented in Taiwan。

In addition to the Championship Cup, Hwa-Jen Middle High also received NT$20,000 and two inflatable training goals and 10 No。 5 footballs。 The Jen-Ho Middle High received the Second Place Cup and NT$10,000, two inflatable training goals and 5 No。5 footballs。 The Black Hawks Club received Third Place Cup and 5 footballs。 The individual awards presented to Se-Jay Liu of Hwa-Jen Middle High as the MVP of the Tournament。 The Best Goalie Award goes to Wei-Shang Lin of Hwa-Jen Middle High and Wei-Jay Lin of Jen-Ho Middle High proudly grabbed the Scoring Title with six goals。 It was exciting to see all eight teams competed with all they have on the field, they fell down and jumped up to play and fought again。 Find it hard to believe that Taiwan has long been ranking at the last section in the world soccer with so many potentially great young players。 Make me wonder where in our government’s policy has gone wrong in developing football?

C33 Football League is a privately own non-profit organization。 All expenses for the tournament are paid by the League。 We reimburse travel, lodging and meal expenses for out of town teams。 There is no enrollment fee to the tournaments。 The deposit, if no incidents during the tournament, will be fully refunded at the Award Ceremony。 We want to provide the teams and the players a comfortable venue and condition to compete, giving their best effort on the field, continue developing middle school football in Taiwan。

Again, thank all involved and made this a successful event。 Special thanks to dX Creatives Co。 setting up the website within the impossible time frame。 Also thanks to Peacock's Ron-Long Lin, Chia-Nan Oon to assist me during the entire process。 Tsen-Yang Su and Yau-Ming Chang for preparing the fields。 Tson-Hwei Yang and Kuo-Tsun Yeh for assistance in administrative matters。 Also great contribution from Michael Chandler, Dan Calvar and Jessica of MFA for all the issues and prizes。 Bon-Der Lee and Lang-Fen Lang's referee team did flawless jobs for the matches。 Last but not least, Don His’s professional photography provides a long lasting memory of this wonderful event。

Meanwhile we’ve already started planning the next tournament。 See you in May。

JK Yao
C33 Football League